Frequently Asked Questions (or "Shit People Wonder About Our Sparkly Stuff")

How do I keep my sun catcher from turning into a pile of sad, broken dreams?

Look, we get it. You've finally found something that brings a little joy to your life, and you're terrified of f*cking it up. Here's how to keep your Kristen's Catcher in tip-top shape:

  • Treat it like you'd treat your grandma's fine china (you know, if your grandma was into sparkly, rainbow-making art).
  • Keep it away from your cat. Seriously. Fluffy doesn't understand the concept of "delicate glass art."
  • When cleaning, use a soft, dry cloth. If you must use water, make it a quick, gentle dab. No harsh chemicals – your sun catcher isn't into that scene.
  • Handle with care, especially when hanging or moving. These aren't frisbees, people.

Where's the best place to hang my sun catcher for maximum "holy sh*t, that's beautiful" effect?

Finding the perfect spot for your sun catcher is like finding the perfect spot at a concert – it's all about the view and the vibes:

  • Near a window that gets direct sunlight. Duh.
  • Hang it freely so it can move. Think of it as interpretive dance for glass.
  • About 4-6 inches from the window is the sweet spot. Not too close (no one likes a clingy sun catcher), not too far.
  • Pro tip: Try different windows throughout the day. Your sun catcher might be a morning person or a sunset enthusiast.
  • Avoid hanging directly above delicate surfaces. We're not responsible for rainbow-induced euphoria leading to knocked-over wine glasses.

Can I hang my sun catcher outdoors, or is that like asking it to play in traffic?

While our sun catchers are tough little sparklers, they're not exactly built for the great outdoors:

  • Indoor hanging is best. Think of your sun catcher as a delicate indoor plant, but one that actually thrives under your care.
  • If you must hang it outside (rebel), choose a sheltered area like a covered porch.
  • Bring it inside during extreme weather. Your sun catcher isn't into storm chasing or polar plunges.
  • Remember: Wind, rain, and hail are not your sun catcher's friends. Neither is your neighbor's kid with the baseball bat.

I don't see rainbows 24/7. Is my sun catcher broken, or am I just living in eternal darkness?

Calm down, Dracula. Your sun catcher isn't broken, and you're not cursed (at least, not because of the sun catcher):

  • Rainbows need sunlight. It's not magic, it's science. No sun, no rainbow.
  • The angle of the sun matters. Your sun catcher might be a late bloomer, only showing off in the afternoon.
  • Experiment with different windows and times of day. It's like dating, but with less awkward small talk.
  • If you're really desperate for 24/7 rainbows, try hanging your sun catcher near a lamp. It's not as impressive, but it'll do in a pinch.

Can I get a custom sun catcher that truly captures my unique and complex personality?

Absolutely! We love a challenge, and let's face it, you're probably a handful:

  • Head over to our custom order page. Pour your heart out. We can handle it.
  • Tell us your story, your favorite colors, your hopes, dreams, and deep-seated fears. We'll translate it into sparkles.
  • Want a sun catcher that represents your existential dread AND your love for pizza? We've got you.
  • Just remember: We're artists, not mind readers. The more info you give us, the better we can capture your essence in glass form.

I'm still not sure if a sun catcher is right for me. Am I beyond help?

Listen, sunshine, no one's beyond help. Not even you:

  • If you've read this far, you're clearly intrigued. Embrace it.
  • Sun catchers are for everyone. Yes, even you, Mr./Ms. "I'm too cool for rainbows."
  • Still on the fence? Start small. We won't judge if you want to dip your toe in the rainbow pool before diving in.
  • Remember: Life's too short for beige walls and rainbow-less windows. Take a chance on sparkle.

Still have questions? Hit us up @ magic@kristenscatchers.com. We're always here to spread the gospel of glass and glitter.